
A Film by Moisés Pantolfi, Brazil, 2018

this film was scheduled on 10 March. (Register or login to vote and add your comment)

Original Title Raskolnikov
Country of Production Brazil
Year of Production 2018
Running Time 1'0"
Language No dialogue

Minute Festival - “August Animation” 2018 awarded (best video)
2nd Jaraguá do Sul Film Festival (SC) - “Best Experimental Short Film” 2019
Minute Festival - “Honorable Mention” at the Best Minutes Show 2018


The young Raskolnikov prepares to consummate his dark thoughts.

Name Moisés Pantolfi
Country Brasil
Moisés Pantolfi is a musician graduated from USP and since 2008 involved with the production of tracks for films and theater. In parallel with his musical career, he has been developing animations since 2017. The first to be shown in an exhibition was “Pinos Mágicos Atacam part III”, at the III Mostra Guarulhense de Cinema. In sequence came “Destino” (2017) especially for the Festival do Minuto, being one of the winners in the theme “Urban Routes”. He was the winner of the V Brazilian Festival of Nanometrage (with due editions for the format of the festival). At the I Festival Take Único, he was awarded “Best National Animation” and at the II Lanterna Mágica Festival, he was awarded “Best Animation Technique”. It was also shown at Le Contis International Festival (France), Porto 7 (Portugal) and 16th Arouca Film Festival (Portugal), 11th Human Rights Short Film Festival - Entretodos (SP), 16th MUMIA - Mostra Udigrudi Mundial de Animação (MG) 2018 and 18th Mostra do Filme Livre (SP, RJ and DF) 2019 adding a total of 35 festivals. He also produced “A Maçã de Kafka” (2017), another animation that was one of the finalists of the theme “Habitat” of the Festival do Minuto. “Raskolnikov” (2018) produced in an experimental way using the technique “destructive animation” (William Kentridge is the main exponent) being awarded at Festival do Minuto (Animation of August 2018) and 2nd Film Festival of Jaraguá do Sul (SC) with "Best Experimental Short Film". “Interrogação (or Legalized Psychopath)”, completed in January 2019, received a special mention from the jury at the VI Brazilian Festival of Nanometrage, and was awarded (with the best video) at the Festival do Minuto, Special Jury Award at the 12th Entretodos, Best Film of Animation at the 3rd Filma Bauru, Special Jury Prize at the 19th Short Goiânia, Honorable Mention at the 4th ARCHcine and Best Animation Direction at the 14th National Meeting of Video Cinema of the Sertões, Best Minutes of 2019 Trophy, in addition to the selection at the 27th Anima Mundi - International Animation Festival of Brazil, 42 ° Guarnicê de Cinema Festival (National competitive show).

Destiny (2017)
The Apple of Kafka (2017)
Magic Pins Attack part IV (2018)
Raskolnikov (2018)
Interrogation (or Legalized Psychopath) (2019)
Current Self-Portrait (2020)
Analysis of the Articulated Model (2020)
Orgáquina (2020)

Director's notes
This is a free adaptation of an excerpt from F. Dostoievsky's "Crime and Punishment". My intention was not to represent exactly what is described in the book, but to try to recreate that atmosphere in animation. It was an animation without planning, just improvising on my impressions of the book.

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